GPSC Prelim Result: Deputy Section Officer, Class‐3 & Deputy Mamlatdar, DySO Class‐3

GUJARAT PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION - GPSC has published Deputy Section Officer, Class‐3 & Deputy Mamlatdar, Class‐3 Prelim  Result. More details are given below.

Advertisement No. 55/2018‐19


Post Name: Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3
List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Main Written Examination: Result || Click Here
Alternate Link If above does not work: Click Here
Revised Final Ans Key:  Click Here
More on GPSC 
Please note that In accordance with the rules of the examination, all these candidates have to apply again for admission to the main examination in the detailed application form, as per the instruction of the commission.For the purpose, the public advertisement will be given and the candidates will have to apply within the stipulated time .


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